Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Goooooooo BLAZERS!!!

What a fun night I had last night! Erica scored some last-minute tickets from a photog at work yesterday... so she and I watched the Blazers wipe the floor clean with the Oklahoma City Thunder. It was fun to see all the Seattle Sonics' fans out supporting their former franchise... and Erica got a foam finger, (which, I think, might be the highlight of her life -- seriously, she was scaring small children). Anyway, we had a great time... so much fun! I also met up with Anthony after the game for a beer at the neighborhood pub, the Rose and Thistle, and it was so great to see my long-lost college friend/former roomie. Here are highlights from the game... plus a shot of that awesome Easter dinner I blogged about last time... :)

Erica and I, courtesy of the nice girl behind us...

Game in action...

Imitating the bathroom girl... Erica's idea... crazy girl!

The Easter spread...

And after a fun night last night.... not a super fun day, but a very productive one. I toured 5 different assisted living facilities for my Dad today with my Uncle and Mike. The first one was, quite frankly, scary, and got a big NO from all of us; however, we did all like #4 quite a bit in deep Northeast Portland. It's not super close to where we live now, but maybe we could look at houses closer to that area when we're looking to buy a bigger place in a year or two... or three. Damn the economy! Anyway, like I said, a productive day as we begin the search for a home for Dad in Portland.

Tonight I'm driving Grandma to her first church bridge game... and spending some quality chill time with Mike. :) Maybe I'll even squeeze in a little jewelry making in there, too. I'd like to be able to drop off an order at Presents of Mind either this week or next!! Who says being "unemployed" doesn't keep a girl busy?

Until next time!

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